


Introduction :

Allama Muhammad Iqbal was the great Muslim philosopher, thinker of Pakistan and poet of Asia . His poetry is deep and full of lessons. He was born on November 9. 1877 at Sialkot, Punjab province of Pakistan. Mr. Noor Muhammad was the name of his father. He belongs to a family of Kashmiri Brahmans ho embraced Islam 300 years ago Allama Muhammad Iqbal received early education from his native BA from Government College, Lahore and MA (Master of Arts in Philosophy) from the said college in 1900 Then, be joined education sector and appointed as lecturer. He wrote his renown Bang-e-Dara" in his service tenure. Allama was not feeling happy in service and resigned.

Allama wants to get higher education. He proceeded to Europe for further higher education. Iqbal got a degree from Cambridge, then LLB from London and secured Ph. D. from Munich university respectively. His thesis was Philosophy of AJAM.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal returned to home in 1908 and started practice as a Barrister. He also continued to write poetry beside teaching and law practice. He wrote poetry under inspiration. As the when these poems were written there was a move in India for inter-communal unity: But soon Iqbal realized that narrow minded nationalism was against the teachings of Islam. This brought great change his views and become a poet of Islam. Iqbal wrote poems in Persian mostly. But soon he realized that the common man in India could not understand Persian. Therefore, he began to write in Urdu. The poetry Iqbal is the great message of life which attracts the readers:

Critical Era of Islam :

Islam was passing through a critical phase at that time and the Muslims were being rapidly dominated by the Hindus in India. Iqbal foresaw their downfall and warned them against its serious results. Moreover, Muslims were not in better condition in other parts of the world Turkey, Egypt, Persia and Afghanistan were Muslim states only in name Their politics, economy, education and above all their religious ideals were being influenced by Western thinking Allama Muhammad Iqbal foresaw all the things and warned his people against this culture suicide.

Preaching :

He called the Muslim youth back to the Holly Quran and Hadith through his poetry, lectures and speeches.

His famous lectures on different aspects of Islamic philosophy, which he delivered at Madras and Aligarh, brought a revolution in the thinking of young generation.

Islamic Theory of Iqbal:

Allama Muhammad Iqbal presented the theory of separate homeland (Pakistan) for India Muslims. He was the originator of two nation-theory. Iqbal clearly referred to the partition of India in his Presidential Address at the All-India Muslims League Conference held at Allahabad, in 1930 He put new life into the youth of hit nation through poetry and looked forward to a new era of freedom achievements.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal was not only a great poet but also a great philosopher, moralist, reformer and an educationalist. He placed before the people his philosophy of self-realization. Allama Muhammad Iqbal was died on 21 April 1938. Iqbal is our national hero.


What is " So " its definition and example?

 What is " So " its definition and example? 

Definition : 

It is a coordinating conjunction . It is used to join reason clause with result clause . 

Its mean "therefore"


1: I am tired so I want to go to bed .

2: she was ill so she went to the doctor.


what is "As + Noun " ? Its definition and Example :

 what is "As + Noun " ? Its definition and Example : 


"As " is a preposition its show "occupation or job" 


1: Bilal serves in oxford institute as a teacher .

2: He works in the hospital as a doctor .

3: she works in the restaurant as a waitress .


Definition of "Already " with example ?

 Definition of "Already " with example ?


It is an indefinite adverb of time . 

Which mean "Prior to a specified time "

It shows an action that happened sooner  than ones expectation .

For example:

1: Mahum :   Mom come here and cook rice . 

  : Mom  :  Mahum I  have already cooked rice .


Professor Allama Dr . Muhammad Iqbal //works in English, Urdu , Persian .

Professor Allama Dr . Muhammad Iqbal //works in English, Urdu , Persian .

Iqbal stands alone in the post classical period of Islamic philosophy as a retest of the discipline within Muslim world. He is the only Islamic philosopher to make a serious attempt at grabbling with the problems of modem western philosophy thin an Islamic context. His thought has been extremely influential throughout the Islamic world today .

Iqbal introduces his notion of Khudi , or self. Arising from a desire to awaken the Muslim Ummah and drawing upon inspiration from western existentialists like Nietzsche, and Muslim spiritual teachers he empowers the Muslim individual Beyond its superficial, and important, role as a motivator for Muslims Khudi embodies a deep philosophical concept prevalent throughout his philosophical writings.

Iqbal's breadth and depth of knowledge is truly remarkable Being educated both in the east and the t gave him a unique perspective to tackle the problems of modern times. Below we sample some of his work, and some work related to him Iqbal wrote in English, Urdu and Farsi. Many links below are compliments of the Iqbal Academy.

Works :

In English:

1: The Development of Metaphysics in Persia (1908)

2:The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (1930).

3:The landmark work in Islamic philosophy by Iqbal. [alternate site]

In Urdu :

1. Bang-i Da (1924)- Call of the Marching Bell (alternate site) [English translation]

2. Bal-i Jibril 1935) Wings of Gabriel [alternate site][English translation]

3: Zarb-i kalim(1936)- The Rod of Moses [alternate site English translation]

In Persian (Farsi): [All of the below are English translations]

1: Aarar- i Khudi (1915) The Secrets of the Self

2: Rumuz- i Bekhudi(1918)- The Mysteries of Selflessness

3:Payam- i Mashriq (1923)- Message from the East

4: Zabur- i Ajam (1927)-Persian Psalms

5: Javidnama (1932)- To his son

6:Pas ChihBayadKard (1936)- What should then be done: O people of the East?

7: Armaghan- i Hijaz (1938)-Gift from Hijaz


What is " For" with examples ?

 For :

It is a preposition . It shows purpose .


1: She bought clothes for me .

2: He bought gift for her .

3: She made biryani for me. 


Historical Background to study : Sapir Whorf Hypothesis || Whorf contribution to the study of linguistic Relativity.


Historical Background to the Study :

Man lives in the world about him principally, indeed exclusively as language presents it to him Wilhelm Von Humboldt [Quist Adade,209 ]

The idea of language influencing thought was first clearly expressed in 19 century by German philosopher and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt. He states that the diversity of languages is not a diversity of and sounds but a diversity of views of the world It was later adopted by the emerging American Anthropologist, such as Franz Boas and his student Edward Sapir. Afterwards, Sapir's student Benjamin Lee Whorf added much to the study of linguistics relativity, also known as Sapir Whorf Hypothesis. He studied the structures of Aztec and Hopi languages and added the observations to the study of human thought and behavior:

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis :

→ Sapir-Whorf hypothesis or linguistics relativity in the idea that the different cultural concepts that are inherent part of a language influences the cognitive ability of the speakers of that language .This effect on common us return changes the worldview of the people and because of that they think and behave differently. In other words, the language one speaks influences his/her thinking and perspective of the world.

The hypothesis is divided into two distinct domains : the strong version and the weak version. They are not called weak and strong because the string version is stronger in its claim and the weak version weaker, but that how much these versions intensify the relationship of language and thought. According to the strong version. or linguistic determinism, language determines our thoughts. It defines the world around us for us. The language which is habitually used by an individual will shape the thoughts of that person about the world. Whereas the weak version, or the linguistic relativity, states that Language only influences our thoughts about the world. The strong deterministic view was rejected as untenable because of its being an extreme and its failure to provide any empirical evidence for its theoretical background Whorf claims that though people of a language or culture must arrive at different interpretations of the world view, but,

"The background linguistic system (in other words the grammar] of each language is not merely a reproducing instrument for voicing ideas but rather is itself the shaper of ideas, the program and guide for the individual's mental activity for his analysis of impression for his synthesis of his mental stock in. trade (Whorf, 1956)

Sapir realizes the importance of a language in a society and regards it as not just a medium of communication but an essential tool for living. In his most quoted passage, he writes:

Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood but are very winch at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely on incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. The fact of the matter then the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group He tee and hear and otherwise experience very largely at we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation (Sapir, Selected Writings in Language. Culture and Personality, 1949)

Whorf's Contribution to the Study of Linguistic Relativity :

linguistics relativity states that every language is structurally unique and that the structure of the language.

Influence the way speakers of that language think or behave because they think, and behave according to their different language structures, the worldviews and the perspectives about the world of those speakers would also be different . As mentioned earlier, humans live in a world with the same concepts but with different labels attached, these labels help the speakers to look at the concepts differently. We have particular subjective concepts such as truth, beauty, and sin etc. which are interpreted by everyone differently. According to the hypothesis, we live in a subjective world, somewhat different worlds. The more dissimilar two languages are, the more difficult it would be to transfer cultural concepts for both languages Whorf talks about two problems in his relativity Principle [ Kempton ]

1:Are our concepts of time, space and matter by their experience the same as for other people? Or are they conditioned by the structures of our languages?

2. Is there any connection between

a : Cultural and behavioral norms.

b : Large-scale linguistic pattern

Whorf supports problem 1 by stating that different parts of language tend to change with time and with the development of the world. Thus, the lexical items referring to objects or ideas change and that brings a shift in the thinking as well. For example the modern technological references of the objects not only remain, let us say nouns but develop into other grammatical categories as well. Google is now not only a search engine, Google is a verb as in I don't know the meaning of this word Google it. It is an adjective too, as in "Don't argue with her That google can literally beat you with facts" And so we are not only using digital terms but are thinking digital too. Whorf says that a language limits the development of a culture.

That is to because a language is a systems, not just an assemblage of norms Language this represents the mass mind, it is affected by inventions and innovations, but affected little and slowly, whereas to inventors and innovators i legislates with the decree immediate. (Whorf, 1956)

Here we come to the problem 2 which is: if language forms ideas, it also plays a role in shaping the attitudes of individuals. Hence, individuals speaking different languages must have different worldviews and behaviors. The grammatical categories available in a particular language not only help the users of that language to perceive the world in a certain way but also at the same time limit such perception. You perceive only what your language allows you to perceive. Your language controls your worldview.

Fishman looks into some claims of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis Among these claims one is that, if speakers of one language have certain words to describe things and speakers of another language lack similar words, then speakers of the first language will find it easier to talk about those things (Hussein, 2012), Westerners can talk about impediments (legal bars to a marriage) and Pakhtuns will talk about " (khpay arts, when bride's family goes to groom's house for ring ceremony) but both will not understand what the other means until an explanation is made. There are certain thoughts of an individual in one language that cannot be understood by those who live in another language community.

English notes

What is sentence ? Write its components with example?

 What is sentence ? Write its components with example?  Sentence:  Definition : Group of words which has both subject and verb is called sen...