Showing posts with label Kinds of Noun in Detail with example?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kinds of Noun in Detail with example?. Show all posts


Kinds of Noun in Detail with example?


Kinds of noun:

 1:common noun:

 The word common means share by all common nouns are the names given in common to person, place or thing of the same class or kind.

 For example:

 boy, girl, City, chair etc

 2:Proper noun:

 The word proper means once on it is the name of a specific person or thing

 For example:

 Peshawar, Germany, Maham ,Canada etc.

 For example:

1: you are the Bill Gates of Peshawar.

2: He is Iqbal of Pakistan.

 3:He is Shakespeare of our class.

=> By giving one quality to another person so then it changes into common noun.

 3:Abstract noun:

 Those Noun which cannot be seen or touch are called abstract noun.

 For example :

Honesty, bravery, pain, poverty etc.

4: Concrete noun:

 Those noun which can be touch or seen are called concrete noun.

 For example:

 wall ,door ,Pen , shoes etc

5: Material  noun:

 Those nouns out of which other things can be made are called material nouns.

 For example:  wood, iron ,plastic ,Steel  etc.

=> All material nouns are concrete but a concrete now may or may not be material noun.

 6:Collective noun:

It is the name of a group of a person or a thing taken as a single whole.

 For example:

 team, school ,college ,Parliament, class ,committee etc

Herd---  group of animals People

 flock--- group of birds

7: compound noun:

 It contains two or more words convey a single idea we use compound noun to give more information about someone or something.


1: open compound noun:  bathroom

2: Hyphented compound noun : mother in law

3:close compound noun suitcase

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