
Kinds of Noun in Detail with example?


Kinds of noun:

 1:common noun:

 The word common means share by all common nouns are the names given in common to person, place or thing of the same class or kind.

 For example:

 boy, girl, City, chair etc

 2:Proper noun:

 The word proper means once on it is the name of a specific person or thing

 For example:

 Peshawar, Germany, Maham ,Canada etc.

 For example:

1: you are the Bill Gates of Peshawar.

2: He is Iqbal of Pakistan.

 3:He is Shakespeare of our class.

=> By giving one quality to another person so then it changes into common noun.

 3:Abstract noun:

 Those Noun which cannot be seen or touch are called abstract noun.

 For example :

Honesty, bravery, pain, poverty etc.

4: Concrete noun:

 Those noun which can be touch or seen are called concrete noun.

 For example:

 wall ,door ,Pen , shoes etc

5: Material  noun:

 Those nouns out of which other things can be made are called material nouns.

 For example:  wood, iron ,plastic ,Steel  etc.

=> All material nouns are concrete but a concrete now may or may not be material noun.

 6:Collective noun:

It is the name of a group of a person or a thing taken as a single whole.

 For example:

 team, school ,college ,Parliament, class ,committee etc

Herd---  group of animals People

 flock--- group of birds

7: compound noun:

 It contains two or more words convey a single idea we use compound noun to give more information about someone or something.


1: open compound noun:  bathroom

2: Hyphented compound noun : mother in law

3:close compound noun suitcase

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