
Nature and Scope of History :

 Nature and scope of history:


 1:A study of the present in the light of the past:

The present evolved out of  of the post modern history involves us to understand how Society has came to its present form ,so that one May Intelligently integrated the sequence of events. History is not static it looks at mans Progress it seems how man has adjust with environment and looks at how man has shaped various institutions.

2: History is concerned with man:

In time it deal with a series of event and each event occurs at give point in time human history in fact is the process of human development in time.

3:History is concerned with man in space:

The interaction of man on environment and wise versa is dynamic. one history describe about Nation and human activities in the context of their physical and geographical environment out of this arise varied  trends in political ,social, economical ,cultural sphere of Men's activity and achievement.

 4:Objective record of happening:

Every precautions is taken to base the data and on original source and make them free from subjectivity interpretation it help in clear understanding of past and enable us to take well inform decision.

5:Multisided :

All aspects of life of social group are closely interrelated and historical happenings cover all these except of life not Limited only to political  aspects that had no long dominant history.

6: History is a dialogue:

Between the events of past and progressively emerging future and the general laws regulating historical happenings may not be considered enough at times have to be made to protect future happenings on the basis of law .

Not only narration but also analysis compare and contrast with similar happening in order social groups to improve reliability and validity of these law

 7:continuity and coherent: or necessary requisites History[ history carry burden of human progress and pass from generation to generation.]

8: Relevant understanding of present life.

 9: Comprehensiveness  according to modern concept history is not confined to one period or country or Nation it also deal with all aspects of human life political, social ,economical, religious, literally Static and physical giving clear sense of world unity and World citizenship .


 The scope of history is worst it is the story of a man in relation of totally of his behavior.

 The scope of history means the breadth  comprehensiveness variety and extent of learning experience provide by the study.

 which was only limited to the local Saga has during the course of century become Universal history of mankind depicting man's achievement in every field of life political, economic, social, culture scientific, Religious, artistic, Technological and  At various levels local regional national and international.

 It start with the past make present its sheet  anchor and points to the future events like war, revolutions rise and Falls of Empires Fortune and misfortunes of great empire Builders as well as the men's  in journal are all subject matter of history.

 History is comprehensive subject and includes history of geography, history of art history of culture, literature, civilization, religion, mathematics, Physics, chemistry, education, biology, atom, philosophy in fact history of any and every social ,physical and natural Sciences, history today has become an all and  embarrassing comprehensive subject with almost limitless extent. 

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