
What is the definition of poetry , types and rule?

   Definition of poetry:

 It is form of literature that uses aesthetic means [ appreciate in beauty] or[ sense of beauty] and rhythmic quality of language.


'" Forest said that  poetry is a kind of thing that poets writes."


 It is a rhythmic composition of words expressing and attitude design to surprise and delight and to arise and emotional response.

 Types of poetry:


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 Objective poetry  Subjective poetry or lyric

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dramatic narrative Ode  elegy Sonnet

         ðŸ‘‡                       ðŸ‘‡       ðŸ‘‡            👇

  Epic ballad romance


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Soliloquy , dramatic monolog

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poetic theoretical


 Rule of poetry:

 The rule of poetry is divided into two parts.

1: stress syllable[ it is long]

2: unstressed syllabus [it is short]

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