
What is Noun ? What is its classification with example?

  Parts of speech:

 All words of English or divided into 8 classes parts called parts of speech.


 Is drive from Greek word "Nomen" means "name"


 Noun is a name of a person, place or things.


 Any naming word is called noun.

 Classification of noun:

1: Count Noun or countable nouns 

Those nouns which can be counted are called count nouns. Count nouns have their plural forms. We use numbers.

i: Numbers of noun:

 Are singular and plural. Plural noun is further divided into two parts regular or irregular plural nouns.

1: Regular nouns or plural nouns:

 Those plurals which takes s, es, ies. Are called regular plurals.

ies =>   consonant + y

es => ch, sh ,s ,o, x, z, th ,gh 

ves => f, fe 

S => 

For example:

 chair--- chairs

 watch--- watches

 baby--- babies

 leaf--- leaves

2: Irregular plurals:

Those plurals which are by definition unpredictable and are two be learnt individually.

 For example:

 man---- men

 woman--- women

 child-- children

 tooth--- teeth

 foot--- feet

Mouse--- mice

 Louse--- lice 

2: Non count noun /mass noun/ uncountable noun:

 Those noun which cannot be counted are called non count nouns. Non count nouns haven't their plural form it is divided into two parts.

i: definite Limited  e.g :money cannot count only rupee can count.

ii: indefinite no limitation e.g your extent.

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